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Group videp chat?

The Covid companion initiative is interesting but I personally don't find benefit in chatting with one specific person only. As I said on my first post, I'm in need of group therapy, share my experience with the illness to see if someone has gone through the same or similar experience and can give me some ideas on what to do. That's why I'm wondering if there's no chance of doing the same as Covid companion, but in groups of about 10 people, as a substitute for group therapy, somewhere you can vent or tell inspiring stories.

My courageous covid compagnon and I have created a covert coven of covid companionship on Skype. A group chat, essentially: https://join.skype.com/mMYxDNaWiDYX That's a starting point. Then we could have a nightly call on there, where whoever wants logs on and we can share in turn?


@will_berard Excellent idea!I'm game!What time do you meet?British time,I assume?