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I have been using fingolimod almost 18 months and recently l have been constantly ill, flue, coughing and others and in the last couple of months a scaly, itchy lesion or patch appeared on the outside of my right arm which does not seem to be healing and fits with the descriptions of skin cancer that l looked into from MS society web site. I made an appointment with dermatologist but it certainly gives me a worry and the question is do I still carry on using the drug, fingolimod or stop it? has anyone experienced skin cancer? Is it really scary. Another worry is my symptoms are getting stronger and experiencing a number of them all together not just one, they go away and come back again a few day later. My hands are tight that is how l feel and do not know what to do.. and fed up with this ... Thank you everyone below is the website address for games https://www.mentem.eu/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7J769qPD6gIVDbLVCh3dBQDmEAAYASAAEgIr-PD_BwE

@upsanddowns, if the Dermatologist can't see you quickly, get an appointment with your GP. Or did your GP refer you? And, have a word with your MS Nurse about your future with fingolimod (Gilenya). With everything that you have going on, your stress levels are probably very high. And, that might be aggravating your MS.......


Yes a lot going on and contributing, my body is just trying to cope with sleeping. Thanks a lot