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Does this sound familiar?

I just came across this article: https://hbr.org/2020/03/that-discomfort-youre-feeling-is-grief Written in the context of the covid-19 outbreak, but does this already sound familiar to anyone else? My synopsis: - Acceptance is where the power lies and where we find control. - Find balance in the things you are thinking. - Come into the present. - Let go of what you can't control. - Stock up on compassion. (I think this should say be kind to yourself as well as other people!) - Continue to find meaning. - It's not linear, but let yourself feel the different emotions and keep going. Sending you all calmness and positivity on your individual journeys and remember this current covid-19-craziness will pass. 🤗

@clare80 , it is a normal reaction to a diagnosis of MS. You will be grieving for the body that you once had and the thought that your life's aspirations may not be conceivably met. So, after a period pf grieving, you can then detach yourself from the past and rediscover your sense of perceptive.


@stumbler, indeed - I think it's another reason why many MSers will have already been through this grieving process and found a way of managing these difficult emotions, which hopefully will help us to manage the current corona virus situation better than other people.