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Does food and drinks effect how we feel?

From positive and active days to a day like this...more slow and feeling tired of everything. Sometimes I`m thinking and trying to understand is it just the case of MS. I somehow start to see correlations between my slow days and days where I feel active and positive! I have read and heard that food and what we drink make a difference in how we feel. There is no direct evidence or proof of that in science (or am I wrong...?). Do you think its the case? Whats your experience? Im sweet addicted. Ive read that sugar can influence the outcome of the day but is it the only ingredient!? I would appreciate what`s your experience and observations about food/drinks with the outcome of your day? Thank you!

@aiga_akmentina , the best way forward is to maintain a Food Diary, where you record what you eat and drink. Then, dependent on how you feel, you can track back and see what caused it. There's a lot of anecdotal evidence between various MS diets. Generally, the healthier your diet, the better you will feel.


Thanks @stumbler!