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Copaxone and depression?

I've had depression for a long time and have been on antidepressants for about 3 years now (Citalopram). My mood has been pretty stable in that time, but since starting Copaxone 3 weeks ago my depression seems to have returned with a vengeance, and I'm really struggling to shift my low mood. Reading the patient info leaflet, it seems that "anxiety/depression" is in the very common side-effects list and I'm wondering if other people have experienced this, and if it improves over time? I know that depression in common in MS anyway, but this really does seem like a direct effect of the Copaxone. I'm considering asking my GP to up my dose of Citalopram but if it's just going to be a temporary side-effect I'm not sure it's worth it...

@moglula , the following details about Copaxone states that studies have shown that Copaxone does no cause depression :- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/copaxone#side-effects It also goes on to say that depression is common amongst MSers. In your case, your diagnosis is still very recent. The adoption of a Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) will potentially make this diagnosis feel "real" for you. Acceptance of a diagnosis of this nature can take a year or more to achieve, during which time you'll probably go through a range of emotions. This is similar to the grieving process of a bereavement. Yes, discuss this situation with your GP, but also contact your MS Nurse, so they're aware of what's going on.