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Sex issues?

I tend to have muscle spasms while trying to have normal sex. My legs cramp. Not because of the sex. Does this happen to any one else. And what can I do to stop or lessen

Heya @militousmill0001 Good morning to you. Is it maybe bcoz we tense up whilst having sex? So it causes spasms? I'm fine whilst having sex, but after it when you're a bit out of puff and lying back to rest is when I get spasms in my calves. They last for as long as I'm inactive, but once I stand up it's fine, or fine'ish. Hope someone else can help you with answers. Lisa ? xx


Honestly I eat a banana a day and swear by it. It might not totally stop spasms during sex but it's great for your muscle issues. Have your Potassium levels checked as well while your at it. When anyone figures out how to eliminate butt cramps let me know, butt cramps are the worst!