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I recently got diagnosed with MS...Does the numbness in your legs ever go away?

MS is a disease with many different symptoms that can be different for everyone. There are several different types of MS and on your initial diagnosis the Dr may not know exactly where you are. Most initial diagnosis are either CIS (Clinically Isolated Syndrome) Where you just have one symptom- once and then it does or at least mostly does go away: https://www.nationalmssociety.org/Symptoms-Diagnosis/Clinically-Isolated-Syndrome-(CIS) The other most likely type of MS would be RRMS, relapsing remitting MS where you have a symptom, it goes away or mostly goes away https://www.nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS/Types-of-MS/Relapsing-remitting-MS Hopefully you have found a good neurologist that you can have a really good conversation with. There is a good article for starter questions- https://www.healthline.com/health/multiple-sclerosis/what-ifs-after-diagnosis?slot_pos=article_2&utm_source=Sailthru%20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=multiplesclerosis&utm_content=2019-10-10&apid=29101565#takeaway There is also a little magnifying glass in the upper left that you can use to search. Welcome and take a look around. This group is a great place to ask questions-


If you do have RRMS in the US they often prescribe a high dose of steroids (prednisone) that works very well for some and awful for others...search that using the magnifying glass. It always worked great for me and symptoms would go away quickly (within a day or two). Not sure where your numbness is and sometimes everything can't be blamed on MS. Something was impinging on my LFCN nerve causing the top of my thigh to be numb, Some nerve gliding, time and PT and that is resolved https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/pain/neuropathic/meralgia-paresthetica-common-cause-thigh-pain It is good to look at any pain or issue you are having to be certain if it is caused by MS or some other cause that can be resolved.