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What does MS pain feel like?

I know describing sensations or feelings is quite hard, but I've been experiencing random shooting pains for the last few weeks, and I don't know if it's my MS or something else. The pain I'm getting is mostly for a few seconds, I've felt it on parts of my back, crotch/hip area, but most of all my legs. On the scale, I'd say the pain is maybe a 4/10, but very short lived. Although besides the shooting pains I also have throbbing sensations on my legs (pain around 2/10?) I'd just like to hear what the your pain sensations feel like.

Hey @sarahku it sounds very much like MS pain to me. I too have intermittent pain in my back, hip area and most definitely in my legs. It can feel like a dull ache, a throbbing pain that lasts briefly or a shooting electrical type pain. Also a burning pain at times. In other news, your dog is so cute!! 💕


My pain feels like icy cold burning all over surface of my skin. It's like when you touch An ice cube, but only during the first second of contact. It's pretty constant for me but not usually painful.... more of a strong discomfort.