MS, Virus, and Autoimmune System
If you have MS, are you at greater risk of:
a) contracting a virus
b) have a relapse because of exposure to a virus
c) worse systems because of a virus
bluntly I'm talking about possible exposure to herpes
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I dunno about herpes but I know generally the immune system is more susceptible to things like colds and the like.
I had just had a virus when my right hand became paralysed and caused demylination sending inflammation to my brain causing two lesions. I'm undiagnosed but my problems literally started whilst I was ill with a bad cold off from work. At first my neuro genuinely thought I just had a virus and it would be a one off. He said to me at the time that a virus is fine just take usual paracetamol, but that an infection could bring it back. This was when initially it looked liked it was a virus but overtime it's now not looking that way. I'm always paranoid of getting ill now. I hope I haven't gone off track from what you asked.