Anyone had Bad Brain fog and groggy after a scary event?
Has anyone found that something scaring you makes you feel really groggy and tired for the rest of the day?
I had a scary situation with a dog this morning and now I can’t think straight! I’m struggling to work at all and not sure what’s wrong with me I just feel in a daze. I could go to sleep i’m that groggy! Tried everything to shake it but I can’t!
Can something scaring you cause worse MS symptoms?
Thank you!
Definitely. The link between stress and symptoms is massive. It doesn’t need to be big or scary for me, just a tough meeting or emotional situation. Stress at home or at work is probably my most recognisable trigger. I’m sorry and good luck (are you really in Portsmouth? That’s my hospital and my specialist…maybe catch you in a waiting room soon!)
, Actually, yes, this difficult times make us feel like a fragile and delicate, so just try to ditch these difficult times and keep calm،..