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Looking for Professional Women with MS

Hi, I am a female professional at a senior leadership position and I am looking for other women with MS in professional leadership roles who I can talk to. I have often had to hide the effects of MS from clients, struggle out of bed and find all sorts of tricks to keep my memory from failing, whilst keeping teams together and achieving in my profession. Is there anyone else out there going through the same thing? Thanks Esther

@estherforeman I have worked as a manager for numerous years in my field, diagnosed November 13, had t quit my job a few months ago due to be dismissed from my role to a less senior role. I now work for another company doing a similar role but I am shattered! I do not disclose ms to anyone and find this a struggle but I prefer it that way. Meetings with other professionals is the worst especially if it's not at my office. I have 3 fans that face me on full day in day out i can't cope in heated rooms and my thought process floats away from the subject. I manage by eating small but often, I carry breakfast bars with me and a cold drink wherever I go. Anyway enough about me, I talk to much lol.. how long have you been diagnosed, is the stress of work worth it in the long run :) x


I used to work in a high pressure job and quit before I even knew what was wrong with me. As stumbler has said in other posts, high stress at work is damaging. Even though it hurt to give up my career, my life & health is worth more.