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I’m going to be 29 soon, and i’m finding it really hard to go out in public or make friends and socialize. i used to be very social and always hanging out with people daily. I suffer from anxiety, depressions and more. any tips to motivate me to shake this?

@cassidylb , MS can only make as isolated as we allow it to. You're young and pretty and the world must be a better place with your smile on show. Your previous post from just over a week ago said, "I’m very active i work full time on my feet for 10 hour days, i like to workout, do martial arts, yoga, being outside or anything to that nature." So, you are getting out there. But, where in that schedule are you able to fit socialising? Fatigue is a major and frustrating problem with MS, so we do have to pace ourselves so that we have the resources to what we have to and what we enjoy. With us, energy is like money - never enough to go round! I can understand the anxiety and depression, but are there any specific triggers for this? Have you been able to talk to anybody about this, e.g. counselling? I know you have a catalogue of medical conditions that I wouldn't be able to fully understand, but we all have to find sources of light in a relatively dark world.


It sounds like you could be describing a couple of issues, the energy to go out and socialize and people to connect with with possibly new feelings of anxiety and depression. These can be issues with MS - have you discussed them with your MS care team? are you considering a DMT to slow the progression of MS or been offered one? I guess I have always been on one and hope that it has at least slowed progression with being on Copaxone for 11 years, switching to Rebif for 4 and now with the Dx of MS moving to a more progressive nature have been switch to Ocrevus. If you haven't I'd have this discussion with your Neuro. I do quite a bit of MS surfing and keep on top of Roger Southall's blog, Life of Seb (MS related one) and especially Dr Boster's you tube videos which are very educational to prepare me to talk to my Neuro team. There have been many discussions in this group about the "change of friends" and I can relate to that as well. I was a competitive horseback rider and hung with that crowd and was in organizations for that, etc. When I had my child in 2002 I soon was less involved in that to focus on her and in 2005 was Dx with MS which didn't have much impact on mobility for 10 years. Then my right hip was acting up and we were building our house and farmstead so now I am finally recovering from my hip replacement and my MS is impacting me enough I just rode our pony twice this fall in our new arena. I am continuing PT hoping it will improve my balance and strength to do more next summer but know that I will not be a competitive jumper anymore ;-0 I don't know if my balance could be good enough for dressage either but feel that I could get back to trail riding. It will be different but I enjoy that as well. I don't know if you are physically impacted by MS but sometimes our activity need to morph into something we feel we can do now. So - what is it you used to enjoy doing? Can you still do it? or enjoy it in a different way? Or perhaps there is something you haven't explored could be tried? All my life I have been an "extreme extrovert" and find myself being more like my husband and daughter who are introverts. That isn't a bad thing but is a change for me. We also moved 45 minutes east of where we used to live so my neighborhood network has changed and I am no longer working so much of my social network has disappeared except virtually through facebook and linked in. I have joined a new church in this area and am developing a network of support there and in our new community and found shift MS ;-) Of course I still have family and do stuff with them. Through volunteering in community, through church and my daughter's activities I have created a new social network. I know some of the MS societies have programs for sub-groups of people with MS. I went to only one event when I was originally diagnosed where the topic was something generic like "current research of MS" and while the speaker was great I really couldn't relate to the group that was gathered with quite advanced MS so I didn't attend other events. I know some have subgroups and social groups that may be of interest and people you can relate to through the MS Society - they have a "greater New England" group that may have activity in your area" https://www.nationalmssociety.org/Chapters/MAM or the virtual support- I'm going to check them out as well ;-) https://www.msconnection.org/Support Of course there is always Shift MS. You can friend/connect with people here that have similar interests and challenges ;-) good luck!