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Hi i am secondary progressive and i would like to know if anybody has discovered the best way to slow it down

I haven't yet that's for sure... The btk inhibitor trials sound promising so fingers crossed. Best thing I think we can do is try and look after symptoms (easier said than done huh)


I am no doctor but have had rrms for 13-14 years. As there is no general consensus, my advice is to look at what you can do for yourself. Are you following a healthy diet for ms? Are you exercising? Are you taking the right medication or supplements? Do you do things to help your mental health? I have been following Overcoming ms, this is the most science backed protocol I have found. I have changed my diet, vitamin intake, exercise routine, also take meds and use mindfulness and working on meditation. Still got a way to go till this is my lifestyle and everything is routine. Was off my medication for three years with no relapses. I believe I only relapsed because I was doing too much helping out by running a foodbank for a week during lock down. Get the book Overcoming ms by Dr George Jellinek and see what you think. Definitely worth the read, I learnt a lot that no other doctor ever told me.