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I’m not alone

I’m not strong enough to deal with this on my own. It’s very isolating and dealing with my struggles alone is making my life even more challenging and saddening . Others who don’t battle this nasty disease don’t really understand how hard it is (I had no idea what to expect at first either). I’m now past the point of living in denial so I have no choice but to accept it and learn to live with it as best as I can. My hands are numb (very aggravating), I fall often, the fatigue sucks, and it seems like I am handed new challenges everyday. I’m tired of trying to explain it to others so I am often alone leaving me way too much time to think and feel fearful of my future. I’m not a quitter though so seeing how others cope is something I should have started doing a long time ago. I think all those with MS are so much stronger than we even give ourselves credit for...”God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers”....apparently God has fAith in my strength so it’s time to have faith in myself and fight like a true warrior....I’m not an army of “one” after all!

It's definitely a battle everyday. It's good to know we're not in this alone.


Aren't your medical team supporting you? What level of contact do you have with them? x