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Just a random question. Does anybody suffer from paper-thin skin that even with the slightest touch seems to peel away? I don't know if this is Multiple Sclerosis related or not. However, it's problematic. My legs have a lot of scarring all over them.

@tonyms47 I don’t but had an old friend that had thin as crepe paper skin. He attributed his to the high doses of steroids he took over his lifetime. He was a drug rep & had doctors prescribe for him due to a rare form of arthritis. Just shaking his hand would tear open his skin & take weeks to heal. 😕


@rmdaniels That's interesting. I am not as bad as that and I haven't taken any steroids over a period of time. (Only when I have had a couple of MS relapses.) The condition that I am suffering from only appears to happen on my legs. They've tested for blood clots and poor circulation. I was advised to wear pressure bandages. The thing is, my legs are so bad at the moment that it would be unwise to place any pressure bandages around my legs at the moment. I will probably have to go and see a specialist. Time will tell, I guess.