Hi all
Did ppl cut friendships they had before ms off/out because of no longer feeling the support, understandin or a connection. & how did ppl come across meeting new better supportive friendships
I have known some ppl since I was younger but I'm quite fed up of the ms judgement & just how closed off I've become from them makes me feel like its just no longerreal connections with some people
Thanks x
Its beem said Its not always because of the illness Ppl interests changes as they grow up its not a day or two its life time they see different ppl experiences their personality might changes we are humans after all
Relationships can be hard they take work & sometimes the effort may not always feel reciprocated equally. Your situation is just that that your situation so I can’t comment on how supportive or non supportive your friends have been but try not to disconnect as this will make you feel isolated and even more disconnected. Cbt helps you process your thoughts & feelings in a more measured & objective way ie balanced view try it & see how you get on and if you still feel the same communicate how you feel to your friends and give them the opportunity to discuss what’s been occurring but you may have to reflect on their answers too. People change & grow sometimes that’s together and sometimes that’s apart from each other. I just posted some links that might help and if you still feel the same you can make some new friends more akin to who you are now via groups, hobbies, interests, courses, social media, mosque, etc etc etc Hope this helps in some way at least & take care of you always 🤞💪👍✊☘️