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Helooo my Dear Frends Is again ME ..I have finally date for my lemtrada 15 of may ????plz People any advice ???how to prepare for this???I'm doing right oohh;???thanks for any massage,information

Thanks #orlando27 im very scared i don't know why...i want to come back to my normal life as soon as possible...


Hi @robaczek1 :) I was thinking of you yesterday & wondering how you were getting on. I meant to post here to ask but you beat me to it :D It's good that you have a date set, is it guaranteed or will you have to check bed availability on the day as in my case? Try not to be scared, I know that's not easy. Make yourself some lists of things to pack, things you need to sort out at home in preparation for your return & anything else that needs to be in place. Add to them as you think of other things. Really you've done the hardest part by researching, deciding & arranging to have the treatment. As @orlando27 says hydrate! Get drinking now so you can start to get used to the volume of water needed to get the most out of your treatment. While you're doing that, in between trips to the loo ;) start deciding what to take to entertain yourself during the infusions :D