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Relapse triggers

Has an infection ever triggered a relapse for you? Did it happen immediately after or gradually after the infection had resolved (days to weeks to months after)? I am aware that during an infection there is a flare up of your existing symptoms but was curious about the above.

My first major relapse happened about a week after I had some sort of infection, I had a red rash all over and felt really off colour the doctor thought it might have been German measles doubtful because I was inoculated against it and had had it when I was a child too or it could have been something I caught from the animals I was working with at that time. Anyway yes I do believe it did trigger a really nasty relapse a week or so later where I went to get up out of bed and fell over and was in terrible pain with tingling, pins and needles and terribly unsteady on my feet; my eyesight also went blurry too which looking back I think was a mild attack of optic neuritis.


Well all i can say @randymt is at the end of July went into City Hospital, peterborough after not being able to move at all & was referred by GP to be told when in hospital I had an infection & dehydration...was put on broad spectrum antibiotics & IV's.....kind of worked alright, as a result of infection & possible relapse legs are leadens & standing & walking nigh on impossible, so the after affects are not great....so yeah Infections do seam to bring on relapses or at the very least make your MS go stupid....