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No more Ocrevus for me then.

Had an Appointment with an MS Nurse and a Consultant Neuro this morning. My Ocrevus Infusions were putt on hold due to the amount of Infections I was picking up, well now the Infusions are no more, Adios Ocrevus, they had a look at the last Blood Sample I gave and decided to stop the Ocrevus idea altogether, due to more Infections most of which I had no idea about let alone even heard of before.

Actually just posted something related. I must say, after quiting ocrevus, the flus, UTIs and fevers every month stopped. Ms, however, had a field-day. Well, field-year is more accurate. I thought being ill all-the-time, wasn't worth it. Now i'm not so sure.. Not to scare you, we're all different. But after about 10 months i slided into active-rrms, then rrms/spms, then sp-ms and now progressive sp-ms.(didn't know one could have progressive secondary progressive ms, but there you go) i feel like it's my own fault. Not a very comfy place... So maybe ask your neuro if switching is the right thing to do. Lots of wisdom, 👊


@Juliapinkie1 Hi sorry to read about your dreadful 10 months, sounds pretty dreadful. I have no idea if there is anything else they can put me on in terms of an Infusion, see how it goes I guess.