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Symptoms after mild exertion

Despite having only minor mobility issues, and suffer from fatigue regularly, I find that I have symptoms accompanying the fatigue. If I have walked for about 10 minutes, or done an hours worth of housework, or gardening for example (nothing too strenuous), I feel like something is pushing my upper body forward. If I don't sit down, I will fall to the floor. There is no pain accompanying this bending as the hips, just the usual level of fatigue. I am wary of blaming every ache, pain and weirdness on ms, but I wondered if anyone else has any similar experiences.
Hull, United Kingdom

yes absolutely I have to take regular sit down breaks around every 30 minutes after house work walking etc I’m trying to improve the strength in my legs with exercise it’s definitely an MS thing and I was a very energetic person in my pre MS days it’s definitely getting worse for me


@prgirl Same here, I used to be able to do yoga, pilates and spin classes, but it fills me with dread now. My husband bought me an exercise bike, and I've found that micro workouts are good. Maybe 5-10 minutes at a time, sometimes just a mile, but it makes me feel better about myself.