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First post- waiting for diagnosis

Hey everyone, I have been recently discharged from hospital after reveiving methylprednisolone steroid IV, after my legs basically stopped working. Ive got an appointment with neurologist in november to potentially give me a diagnosis of MS, does it usually take this long and what happens after that consultation and what can i do in the meantime??

I’ve been having symptoms since 2018 and they still haven’t officially diagnosed me. That being said, my symptoms got significantly worse last year and that’s when they started looking into MS. It started with tremors in my hands and fatigue/depression. Now, I can barely walk, I have seizures, I have a permanent leg tremor on my right side, I’ve lost consciousness, every day fatigue, and recently my legs went numb for 2 days. I have another brain mri and spinal mri this week. The drs in my area don’t seem to be very familiar with MS which is why I think it’s taken this long. I had no idea what to look for or what was going on with me and the first two neurologists I saw basically made me think I was crazy. My neurologist now is at least listening to me. He put a referral in for me to see an MS specialist. My only advice is to keep advocating for yourself. It’s not easy. And it’s frustrating as hell. Unfortunately, not all drs are helpful and just go through the motions of their job.


You normally have to have a substantial relapse and evidence of more than one lesion to be diagnosed. I think you will fit the bill and start getting treatment soon. In the meantime start taking at least 4000 IU of vitamin D3 daily as well as 1850mg of turmeric and black pepper. Both available on Amazon and both will help MS alongside the DMT they give you.