Hi Lina again
Just looked at my msg I've just posted I missed out the part that I am having problems with its my right leg tingling had horrendous back and neck ache as well
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Hi lina. Not sure how long you've been DX, but will find over a period of time you will realise by reading posts on here and other ms forums that though we can all be different, the symptoms are similar, my neck &back of head hearts plus lower back pain, sounds like yours, but could be totally different,, that's why I think you must explain to nurologist exactly how you feel, or they will think it sounds like somthing else and put you on wrong drugs, don't just take anything without researching it.
Thanks for that I'm going to ring my MS nurse tomorrow I'm due to have a meeting with her I will see if she can help. Saw my neuro last week but I did'nt have these symptoms then they started last night. I saw my neuro about my hand as it had a rash on it. Also I'm due to go Mediscreen as I work in a school as a teaching Assistant for them to assess me to see if I'm fit enough to go back to work I'v already cancelled it a few times as I'm not driving think everything stressing me out.