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Life insurance

Hi MSers, Just wondering if anyone living in the UK has any experience or advice for getting life insurance? We have recently bought our own property so are now looking into life insurance, many companies are reluctant to offer insurance to people with an MS diagnosis 🤯.
Croydon, United Kingdom

I have been organising life insurance just now. The first insurer wouldn’t take the referral (to much of a liability)but legal & General did but want to look at my doctors files first. I don’t have a diagnosis of MS I have CIS. I looked at income protection as well they will only cover for accidents but not anything relating to CIS Hope this helps xx


@Helenkf01 Thank you so much for replying. It’s such a nightmare isn’t it! I understand they probably can’t help for anything MS related, but what if I suffer a separate illness or god forbid get hit by a bus 🤦🏼‍♀️😂. My poor husband will be left struggling! Thank you for your advice, will definitely look into legal and general!