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I've been up since before 5 am, sooooo. Thirsty, feel like I could drink a river and my heads banging like I've had a serious night on the town, but no, just had flu and COVID vac's yesterday, just about to go for another litre of fluids, would like some paracetamol but hubby keeps it too.high up not from me but out the way of the grandchildren.Everything MS related seems at all time high as well.Just having a ,moan.

I am the same, had mine yesterday and not stopped drinking...not the fun kind either. I'm on the kids calpol as tastes better than paracetamol!!!! GOOD LUCK getting through xxx


@PoppyP thanks Poppy, I was beginning to wonder if it was bug, after chap sneezed right next to me after we'd just been jabbed. Hope you're feeling bit better soon.