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Struggling with fatigue

What are your tips and tricks for dealing with the constant fatigue? I'm struggling and I'd love to hear how some of you deal with it. I've been trying to ignore ms for so long but it's definitely making itself know lately. Lots of other symptoms too but this one is such a nuisance!

Yep it's a pain, you just have to go at a pace you can deal with and rest when you need to. X


It’s definitely frustrating and I know the more fatigued I am the worse my brain fog is too. Any chance you have to rest take advantage of that. I personally make sure I have days where I can completely do nothing and rest. I know not everyone has that opportunity to do that so any moment you find yourself where you can rest do so. Even if that means removing things from the week it’s definitely worth it. You just have to find the pace that works for you and listen to your body and if you have to cancel something then cancel it and don’t feel bad about canceling. Having a good support system helps too and don’t feel bad asking for help if you’re too fatigued to maybe pick something up or run an errand…you can always ask someone to help you out and do that for you.