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MRI Frequency? Lem people!?

I'm considering Lemtrada and now that I have found out I am JC+ I'm even more leaning toward it. I have started making sure all vaccinations are up to date and getting a pap completed. I have read somewhere that my most recent MRI should be within 3 months of starting treatment. At this rate my MRI, which was completed in Feb will be 3 months old before my treatment starts sometime in June. My MS nurse has said I won't need a new one but I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that.... I'm going to request we get a new one prior to treatment because I want to know if anything has changed in the last 3 months and I don't want to be left questioning whether or not new lesions developed AFTER treatment began or if they occurred in the 3 months prior to treatment... I have a very high lesion load. Am I being unreasonable? How far should I push this? Should I just be happy with the MRI I had in February or should I push to have one completed closer to when my treatment begins? I just want to have an accurate idea of what's happening after the treatment and not be second guessing it. How often does everyone else have MRI's and if you had Lemtrada what was your most recent one prior to treatment starting? Thanks.

The MRI won't change anything, but if it eases your mind, push for it all the way! Your health, your decisions!


The MRI before treatment gives a baseline for viewing and changes or improvements. I had a brain and full spine both with and without contrast before round one and my 'comparison' MRI at 9 months. The comparison showed not only did I have no new lesions, I had no active lesions and my existing ones were 'less pronounced' it also showed no significant brain atrophy in the interim. Personally I would have one done just so I can 'see' the changes not just hope for them xxx