Hi yesterday I wrote my first post, And I received many messages of supportI wanted to thank you for the love have sent me. ♥️♥️
Many people gave me an idea To write here what I needed.I really thought long before I did it Because I am embarrassed.
But I'm going to try :
My situation at home is not good and that's why I want to leave home But the state does not help me. I have money to pay for the month But I don't have the money to pay for the furniture and utensils in the flat. It is only one room with kitchen and bathroom And I would like to know if someone could donate me something to be able to buy the things.
They don't have to be new, they can be second hand.
Because everything here in Switzerland is very expensive.
And I need to get out of this hell
Every little help would be appreciated
And if you know people from Switzerland who have something in their house that they don't use Please can you contact me
Thank you very much