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"Wrong" Symptoms

Hi friends, I hope you're all well and surviving the summer heat. I've got a question for anyone willing to answer... I saw a new neurologist the other day and she said that sweating and extreme susceptibility to heat (i.e. I sweat profusely and get super hot either from minimal physical activity or due to any temperature that's over 60°F) is “not MS related.” Can anyone please explain to me when and what you experience with “heat intolerance/sensitivity"?? Because apparently my symptoms are "incorrect."

I struggle with heat too. When I’m too hot, particularly in a stuffy room my legs are badly affected. I start to lose the feeling in them and they become really weak, also leaves me feeling really fatigued. The problem with ms is that affects everyone differently so you shouldn’t be judged on the way in which it impacts you!


@adrianna_k Maybe you should give them a copy of this.... https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/uhthoffs-phenomenon