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Working full time.

Anyone else who works full time hours ever find that people at work (mainly higher ups) really dont understand what it can be like doing that with MS? I know they can't KNOW but like have they bothered to even educate themselves even a little on what it's like working with the condition, when its implied they have. I get its invisible to them and on the surface all appears fine so the only thing you can do is try to explain with words. Just a little rant, can't just be me anyways. Hope everyone is getting on as good as they can

Hello @drummondbass. Not sure what you do for work, but an invaluable thing to do is to ask for an Occupational Health Assessment. This will be good for you, but also, it introduces employers to the world of support and understanding for people with a disability. It doesn’t mean that you’re not able to cope with work. In my opinion, it is the greatest form of protection, apart from a union, that an employee can have. Go for it!


@drummondbass Hate to burst your bubble; not only does your boss not know what you are dealing with - they do NOT care about you or your challenges. Your boss cares about how they appear to their supervisors; they care about their job security, their bonuses / pay raises, etc... There is a reason Dilbert (written by Scott Adams) was popular 30 years ago; there is a reason this comic strip is still published today. It is relevant to the employer / employee relationship!