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Introducing myself

Over the years a number of strange things happened physically that could not be explained. I survived them but a couple eyars ago I was told I did have MS and probably had it quite a long time. At my age, I am told there is nothing to be done, no meds so I take everyday as it comes. I paint. I planned to paint a world I wanted and would move into it eventually. I am fortunate enough that I live fairly close to the sea and that is mostly what I paint. I don't really know what to ask and sure don't have any answers. I will likely just be here awhile, if that is ok.

👋 hi @marg you are welcome here,answers or not,but it might siurpriseyou


Hello @marg, welcome on board. Well, I don't know how old you are, but you are never too old to access treatment and medication to help. What an unenlightened attitude your team have! What a wonderfully positive attitude you have, and lucky you have a gift for painting. It's great to have people with your spirit join :-)