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This is something I may be out on to help with me getting hot.. is this one of those drugs that take weeks to kick in? I want some temporary relief really as I’m hoping the symptom of my flushed face will go fairly shortly!

@blagaman182 , it's felt that it should kick in within 1-2 weeks, but some people are quicker, some slower.......... That's if it is nerve/MS-related............


Not sure I would turn to Gabapentin for any type immediate relief. I was put on it for a nerve issue in the leg and I think it helped. Seemed to be an uneven/spiked delivery though so I moved to Gralise, an extended release version. For immediate relief of MS symptoms for an active flare typically steroids are administered, high dose like 1ml/day. I had mine in pumps like this https://infuserveamerica.com/104/elastomeric-pumps/