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Blood transfusions after lemtrada rnd2

Just received a letter from the hospital this afternoon mentioning a possibility of having to under go blood transfusions after lemtrada if a rare side effect happens was wondering if anyone else was aware as I didn’t know about it when I choose lemtrada was winding if it was a new situation and the hospital keeping me in the loop or I missed it while deciding on treatment

I'm supposed to be starting Lemtrada this Monday didn't your nuroligust give you the big Green and white book Facing Your MS? My nuroligust gave it to me I'm not done reading it all but it should have information about the infections that Lemtrada might cause. I'll keep reading and I'll let you know if I find out anything that might be helpful. Melsarable


They may be referring to ITP. You should call and talk to your Dr's to get an understanding of what's going on. Good Luck.