52% of the HCPs we surveyed disagreed or strongly disagreed that ‘there is sufficient employment-related information and support available for MS patients’. On this page you can find useful links on work and health for you and your MS patients.
NICE MS Guidance including Clinical Audit Tool for healthcare professionals
The Multiple Sclerosis Work Instability Scale. This is intended as a screening tool in clinic to identify people at risk of job loss. Please find the link to the published paper in the MS Journal here. *To access the MS Work Instability Scale for free, contact the scales administrator at RehabMed@leeds.ac.uk , who will send out a user form for you to complete.*
Kim Burton, Gordon Waddell, (2006) ‘Is Work Good for your Health and Well-being?’
‘Fair Society, Healthy Lives’, (“The Marmot Review”) (2010)
Kings Fund ‘Broader determinants of health: future trends’
EMSP/The Work Foundation ‘Ready for Work’ project – background and outline
Council for Work and Health – ‘Talking Work’ Guide
DWP and DH (2017) ‘Improving Lives: the Future of work, Health and Disability
MS Society ‘Working and MS’ page, including an MS Helpline and guides for employees & employers
Access the Disability Law Service helpline at the MS Society for free legal advice
Information on the Permitted Work scheme
Citizen’s Advice guidance on reasonable adjustments and working with a disability
ACAS information on Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustments in the workplace
European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP)
Royal College of Occupational Therapists
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP)
Institute for Employment Studies