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Sandbag legs & Numbness

I’m so sorry for the long post but the relief I feel that I’ve found this app is unreal!! ❤️ So I’m curious if anybody can give me some advice on ways to exercise my feet and leg to help build its strength. In September I had covid which brought on a relapse resulting in optic neuritis. I was given a 3 day course of IV steroids and within a couple of weeks my eye was back to normal. Fast forward 32 days and I developed sandbag legs, they both were so heavy but I was able to move a small distance with a crutch. The sandbag legs then developed numbness/tingling resulting in a fall and not having any strength to even move them let alone stand up, luckily my partner was able to lift me. After this episode my right leg became so bad that it didn’t feel like apart of my body. I went to a&e and was prescribed a 5 day course of steroids which after the 5 days my left leg began to move and I had more sensation. My right leg was still bad but I could lift it slightly. I am now nearly 2 weeks since those steroids finished and my knees (especially the right knee) keep locking when I try and stand and then giving way making me fall back. It’s also still quite heavy but I can move it but I’m not able to bend the knee to walk or even attempt to, it’s like my leg has a rod stuck to it when I try to take a step. Now over the last couple of days I can bend and straighten my leg when sitting but it’s like there’s a elastic band from my foot to my knee being over stretched so when I straight it it literally flings. I also feel I don’t have much control over my right foot other than slightly moving my toes,Its also very numb still, this is making standing hard because it’s like it can’t bare any pressure and I’m actually concerned my ankle might snap 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you made it this far I applaud you and Hi to all my fellow MSers 🥰

I know of people who have taken B12 injections for this and it's helped.


@RC83 I already have these and not due it til next month ☺️