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Vitamins and supplements

Hey everyone. I've recently been diagnosed because of the change in the crteria. I was wondering what vitamins or foods etc people would advise to help or guide me to please. I do strength training and I've lost 3.5 stone since my first relapse. Luckily thats all.thanjks uouncc

Watch "What Diet Is Best For MS? My 9 TOP MS Diet Recommendations" on YouTube. Done by Aaron boster https://youtu.be/Q8S-Uab4Dn4?si=qOyle0UCgK8NqTkN


Listen to the podcast and choose what you want. Personally I am currently using wahls protocol, but before I use healing Ms written by Ann borroch, in that book you read part 3 and 4 and you will find all you need. But in those 2 books the best is wahls protocol. You will feel better when you are using one of the diet.