hi friends and aquarius
I hope you are all well today think of all all you lovely people this evening i hope everyone can trust in the lord jesus christ who can help you on here
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Amen to that! I believe that doctors, diets, nutritional supplements, exercise and DMT offer us good help with MS. But my only TRUE HOPE is found in Jesus! Everyone must evaluate their belief in His existence as a historical figure and then decide for yourself whether you believe that he suffered and died to take on the punishment for your sins. We all have only a limited time to make this free choice. Once life is over, it’s too late. So, please consider this today! In terms of my MS journey during the past 20 years, Jesus absolutely helped me keep my spirit calm, even when I was scared or anxious. And He helped me navigate so many issue that MS raised: family, work, finances, and taking better care of myself.
I think i prefer another man in white opposite of me when i need him.