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Hi I have RRMS, I got optic neuritis in January 2023 & an MRI showed lesions on my brain & spine I also have problems with my left leg (drop foot/Numbness) I was put on Tecfidera in January 2024 but I haven’t noticed any real changes yet, sorry I’m new to this & was just wondering if anyone else is on Tecfidera?

Hi purplepoppy. Sorry to hear your diagnosis, but you are in good company here! I am on tecfidera like you. It is keeping my MS stable thankfully, no change on MRI. But I have not noticed that tecfidera improved my symptoms. I was advised of this before I started treatment. My symptoms come and go depending on so many things, tiredness, heat, stress. The important thing is to note your symptoms and bring it to the attention of your medical team or MS nurse if you have worries/concerns. It can take time for your body to adjust to your treatment. Your diagnosis is still relatively new. I was diagnosed in 2021, and I am still learning new things everyday. Be kind to yourself.


Thanks so much for reply I’m just hoping it delays any new symptoms!