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Decision to go on medication

Hi , i am 40yrs old and have recently been diagnosed with MS where I had a flare last year, what am confused upon is medication .. how to decide if I really need to be on medication or maintaining a good healthy lifestyle can help me sail through .. very confused and afraid and have no idea how these immunosuppressants will act after being pumped in my body . I am also struggling to find a good neurologist and MS nurse help as current ones are not of much help. Any advice would be really helpful and help me take a right decision as very confused ..

I’m in the same boat - recent diagnosis and soon to decide about medication. My understanding is that without starting a dmt , over time the prognosis for RRMS people is likely to be poor. But of course, long term immunosuppression is not exactly the dream is it! Much to learn… but it seems to me that having a suppressed immune system and all that comes with it is better than the risk of accumulating MS related disabilities


https://msselfie.co.uk/ this site is full of good info