"Un"Social Work
Really needing advice or a place to vent.
Little bit of info.
3 years ago my stepdad evicted me, my wife and 2 kids, from his house in the middle of the night. We had no tenancy agreement as it was family so we had no legal standing. After being homeless for 5 weeks we found a private let in the village (kids still at school). This isn't the issue but rather just to say we didn't have the luxury at the time of looking for a house to meet my needs.
Here's my issue. We have on street parking and I regularly have to park away from my gate. It's a public road so I have to deal with it. I asked social work to assess for disabled parking outside my gate. They refused on the grounds that there are 7 steps from the pavement up to my garden. Now I tried to explain that if I park at my gate I only have 2-3 steps before entering my garden. If I'm parked down the street, this could be 30-40 steps before I reach my gate. I've asked them to imagine there are no stairs and just focus on distance from my car to my gate. No movement.
I also got assessed for an additional handrail on internal stairs and they say no as my house doesn't meet my needs. I'm on council housing list but they'll only place me in a bungalow. But they're not building ANY council houses in my location never mind a bungalow.
So I'm stuck having to walk farther with bags of shopping etc because they won't install disabled parking. I'm stumbling up and down stairs because they won't install a handrail.
Best of it is, my wife is a local councillor (for a neighbouring ward) and even she can't get anything resolved.
I'm so furious I could cry. Short of going to the media, anyone any ideas of what I can do
That would be maddening. I’m sorry this has been a difficult time for you. What is the law surrounding your situation?