
Welcome @mumof2 How are you doing with your diagnosis? When I was diagnosed in December, my neurologist recommended learning about inflammatory foods and looking into intermittent fasting. Adding fasting and limiting many of the high inflammation foods has made a massive difference to my energy levels and physical health so that’s really helped me to maintain the changes I’ve made. I don’t want to point you in the direction of any specific diet as I believe it’s right and proper for you to research and work out what works for you and your lifestyle. Just don’t swayed by the promise of ‘fix all’ diets because they just don’t work like that. Start by doing some research on high inflammation foods and see where it leads you. Natalie x


You will get different diet ‘camps’ and each will swear upside down and backwards that doing it their way is the answer. the advice I got in the late 90s still holds true. eat a balanced Mediterranean style diet. easy on the processed food. Aaron Boster MD had a great YouTube channel and much on diet there. he is an ms specialist neuro in the us.