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Please find the book: the wahls protocol and read it and follow instructions, I am currently using it, it is very efficient. But if you don’t like reading you can find a book healing Ms written by Anne borroch read part 3 and 4 and follow instructions, it also good. Personally I meditate everyday meaning I read my bible, I pray also early in the morning and in the night before sleeping, I will suggest you to do the same. If you are feeling defeated listen to preaching from Joel osten, it will lift you up. You will find strength in reading the word of god because when you are reading the devil won’t be able to have a place in your mind or to mislead you. Also go gluten free and wheat free to avoid wheelchair in the future but you will find all those infos in those book I recommended you. Go on YouTube and listen to Aaron boster podcast: 5 Tips for the Newly Diagnosed" on YouTube
I keep you in prayer, god is in control