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I'm deteriorating at a faster rate than before. How do you know if you've gone from Relapsing Remitting to a more progressive stage,?
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In my opinion when you have PIRA (progression independent of relapse activity) ie worsening symptoms yet treated stable MRIs. In my neurologists opinion, it's an out of date term, and if we must use it it's hard to diagnose. He said it happens to everyone who has RMS but with some people the symptoms aren't noticable.
Transition from RRMS to SPMS can some take time to confirm, you may still be getting occasional relapses/flare-ups. I’m a RRMSer of 25 years now. Disability has increased somewhat, in the last few years. I did have a mild flare-up a few weeks ago though, I’m just fighting hard to prevent the transition to SPMS as best I can.