Hi. Hope you are well, not sure how this works but heard about it online and thought to try it out.
I got diagnosed with MS back around 2022. Was a huge shock, I was initially seeing doctors about having back and leg pains. I had a couple of MRI's, eventually saw a neurosurgeon who first suggested possible MS when i told him about symptoms. Not just back and leg pain, but on the odd occasion getting numbness or losing feeling in my legs.
After that I had a lumbar puncture test and ot was shortly after that I got diagnosis, then after that RRMS after new lesions were found after another MRI.
So since then I have been taking Tecfidera, or Dimethfyl Fumerate, seems to be helping so far, no new lesions appearing yet.
I am still discovering what my MS does to me, will post some thoughts on that on another post.
But now, here I am, trying to understand more how MS affects not just myself but others as well.
I've been taking Tec for 7 years. Get in touch if you need anything. I'm a Southerner though 😉🤣
@RC83 Haha, doesnt matter to me if you are north, south, or wherever. How are you finding being on the medication for so long? Do you think it's helped you a lot?