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Let me guess, that’s a symptom too

How do you deal with spouses/partners that aren’t as sympathetic to the unseen? My newest symptom is spasm under my back ribs. When I first told my husband he reacted, let me guess that’s a symptom too! That angered me and has become discouraging and disheartening. I’ve had MS for a while apparently but barely diagnosed. So all these years or my aches and complaints have desensitized him because it just sounded like complaints. Now that I have something valid on paper it’s still not enough sometimes or he easily forgets. He works 60+ hours but I’m home w two toddlers, only for these last couple months but am returning to full time work soon. So, MY fatigue or aches don’t compare to his because he’s working a blue collar job. I feel like it’s a battle of the aches and because I have no “evidence” of why I’m in my fatigue or pain I can never be the one to rest. I continue to sacrifice my body because he’s the bread winner and needs his rest.

I’ll never forget the day I was diagnosed with ms. I had lost vision in my left eye and I had a doctors app that morning to read over my MRIs and finally see what what was going on. That morning my husband was getting ready for work and o cried to him telling him how terrified I was. He replied and told me “atleast you don’t have to get up and go to work , you have it easy “. I’ll never forget those words. NEVER….


@Erika98 I’m sorry 😔