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Vision problems

I have blurred vision to the point I can’t read I had optician today and my eyes are healthy but issues may be behind my eye obviously I googled I know bad idea i can’t see anything if u was to wave at the side of my eye could this be a flare up or something totally ms unrelated any advice will be greatful I have an emergency hospital appointment Wednesday

My vision used to be 20/10, and now I need glasses to focus on anything further away than my wrists. Vision change can happen from so many things, and the main thing we can do is adapt to it. I strongly recommend seeing an optometrist, and if you can one who can do the testing for things we have to lookout for. (It takes specialized equipment to check for some things relative to light colour and our ability to discern differences of faint light movement and more.)


This is for the ophthalmologist not the optometrist I'd say. There are treatments for damaged eye muscles, including botox injections.