We are a charity and rely on donations
Charity Number: 1117194 (England and Wales)
Registered Company: 06000961
Registered address:
Shift.ms, Platform, New Station Street, LS1 4JB, United Kingdom
London office:
Shift.ms, Somerset House, Strand, West Goods Entrance, London WC2R 1LA, United Kingdom
©2024 Shift.ms
It's perfectly normal. I was diagnosed when I was 31. I freaked out for the 1st month or 2. Then I thought sod it, I'm still alive still me, so I carried on going out with my friends on a Saturday night after working all week. I didn't start a DMT until 2019. All was good till the past 12 months where I've gone downhill and needing a new DMT (kesimpta). It's perfectly normal to feel a fraud. You'll probably go through a string of emotions. But, just ride the crazy Rollercoaster that is MS and stay happy 😊
I think if you’re feeling fairly well it’s quite normal. I was a bit shocked to find at my first OH assessment that I was considered a disabled employee! At that point I paddleboarding, swimming loads, and walking & cycling miles! It was good to to have that contact with them though & the fact we documented everything helped as things progressed & I eventually retired through ill health.