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Hi, I am confused whether or not my symptoms are of MS or Parkinsons Disease. My Neurologiest is not being helpful. He sent me to every medical profession the ends in a "ist" for months. Im getting tired of his avoidance, I would like to compare similarities with one that had/has the same. If you share my medical experiences, please let me know, and if you have more knowledge of what I could possibly have. Thanks, Linda

Hi @burninglegsalso (Linda) and welcome. I can understand why you've joined us, but we'll be unable to give you any better answers than your Neurologist. We recognise that diagnosing an underlying condition that causes these symptoms is notoriously difficult. Diagnosis is a combination of physical examination, tests (e.g. MRI Scans, Lumber Puncture, Visual Evoked Potentials) and your clinical history. It is therefore important that you maintain a diary of any strange symptoms, that can then be summarised to pass to your Neurologist. Hope this helps


While no one can diagnose ms on a message board like this we can probably help you validate if based on your symptoms you had the same types of tests done. Can you describe your symptoms. Did they happen on both sides? Did they come and go? Did you have an MRI or a lumbar puncture? Did you check his reviews online? A second opinion would likely be worth getting.