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What do I do

I am undiagnosed, I had an episode in July where my legs went completely numb for 3 months. Initial MRI brain+spine showed some lesions on my brain and was told it might be MS, but when I saw the neurologist he thought they were just incidental. Since then I have had buzzing/vibrating in my legs. I had a repeat MRI brain (not spine this time) on 11th Dec which showed absolutely no changes. I woke up on Friday with mild weakness in my left leg, I was still fully functional but it is getting worse and now I can't walk without wobbling everywhere. Is this bad enough to go to A&E? I fear this is what my GP would tell me to do but I know they are busy. Shall I wait until tomorrow and call my neurologist. I only have a contact number for the secretary, is this how I would get hold of him?



omg find new dr