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Mild relapse physically, but emotionally I'm a mess don't know what to tell my girlfriend?!

I'm having a mild relapse, yet mentally and emotionally I'm very tripped over family and friends... specially now cause I've just started a relationship with a very good person and told her I have ms but definitely she didn't get it, thought of sharing her some videos and so on....and asked her if your ok with it although she said she's ok with my condition yet I am very confused if this is selfishness dragging anyone into my life, I was very well the past 6 years with no relationships at all after 10 years marriage and divorce...I got thoughts to disappear, to speak up which I tried but she responds as I'm having a flue. I was doing very well coping with everything on my own. Now I'm just very overwhelmed and confused. Any help is appreciated as I just don't want to get stuck in my head then start thinking of ending everything or just disappearing.

Hi please remember it is a relapse and it will get better. I always think of a certain phrase which helped me - "this too will pass". Don't do anything on the spur of the moment without fully thinking it through. Now is not the time for life changing decisions or actions. You need to rest & recover. Do you have a healthcare professional such as a MS nurse who could help to explain to your girlfriend? Please don't do anything - you know you will probably regret it if you do. She just needs time to get used to it - you don't say how long ago you told her. You are not being selfish - you need to look after yourself. Take care & I hope this helps - you are not alone we are here!


Didn’t want to pass by without saying something. That sounds super tough but like ClaireVS said, it will pass. Hang on in there. It is not at all selfish to have a relationship and I’m sure your girlfriend values you as you are