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Exercise and pain afterwards!

Hi everyone, Just wondering what everyone's experiences with exercise are. I've recently started with a personal trainer in a small gym doing strength and conditioning with mainly weights and weights machines, need to strengthen my bad leg, I find it great as it doesn't use up energy but for up to 3 days afterwards as well as the usual muscle soreness I'm very very achey! Hoping my body will get used to exercise ? Anyone else experience this?

@smackie25 , it sounds like the normal pains when you exercise a muscle group that haven't been worked that hard before. Try some "deep heat" or something similar as recommended by your pharmacist.


Hi It sounds normal to me. Try taking Ibuprofen (Advil) to relieve the muscle pain. It usually hurts more the second day after exercise but in time your muscles hopefully get used to the training and the pain eases up. Keep up the training!!